Thursday 25 February 2016

Myer sets up an eBay shopfront


* Myer is partnering with online marketplace eBay to attract new customers online and in store.
* Six month into five-year turnaround plan aimed at boosting annual sales by more than 3 per cent.
* The eBay store,which goes live on Wednesday after a five-week trail, will enable Myuer to reach a wider audience.
* eBay shoppers can click directly into the Myer store or get in while searching.
* There's a certain type of customer who is familiar with eBay.


Myer is hoping to boost sales online and in store by setting up shop on online marketplace eBay in a move that many eventually see the department store target consumers overseas.Six month into five-year turnaround at boosting annual sale by more than 3 per cent, Myer has joined national retailers such as Office works, Target and Bing Lee by establishing a Myer shopfront on eBay and offering a 10,000 product range.After five-week trail, will enable Myer to reach a wider audience and tap new customers who may not be shopping on its e-commerce site. eBay shoppers can click directly into the Myer store or get in while searching for specific products such as dresses, handbag or small appliances.There's a certain type of customer who is familiar with eBay and it's most effective for Myer to take there offer where the customer is,rather than convert a customer to a site they'r not familiar with.

Personal reflection: 

I believe Myer is doing right thing to boost sales online,exactly on eBay,because most of the customers trying to buy their stuff on online especially eBay. However, customers like use easy way to shopping such as eBay so easy to use.

Article link: Myer sets up an eBay shopfront 

Monday 15 February 2016

Students fear Islamic college closure


* Malek Fahd, three campuses be forced to close.

* The Canberra Islamic school has come under the threat of closure.

* Government is scrabbling to find schooling for 2400 students in Sydney.

* Students worried about how the change would influence.

* Accounting and salary services ' by AFIC is not supported by written agreement.

summary : 

The Canberra Islamic school ( Malek Fahd ) has come under the threat of closure,because of a string of governance failures, which is believed to have left a $1 million debt.However, when Malek Fahd's three campuses be forced to close, so the Government should be find schooling for 2400 students in Sydney.Students worried about how the change would influence their future after having started HSC (higher school certificate )  studies last term.There is not evidence of the 'accounting and salary service' being provided or documentation to record the services or the liability for the approved authority to pay for those amounts.

Personal reflection :

I believe the government should be find schooling for all students, before they decide to close any of privet schools.