Thursday 2 June 2016

Turning points and Achievements of Heath Ledger's life

Turning points of Heath Ledger's life :

  • Ledger found a passion for playing chess
  • his parents would separate and ultimately get divorced when Heath was 11
  • Ledger completed his early graduation exams
  • he traveled cross-country to Sydney to pursue an acting career with his long time friend Trevor DiCarlo
  • Heath sought out an American agent and followed Zane back to Los Angeles at the age of 19.
  • He had worked various, small roles in television, and his feature film debut came in 1997 in the emotional drama Blackrock
  • he was fully exposed to an international audience with his breakout role opposite Julia Stiles in 10 Things I Hate About You
  • he was soon beating out the Hollywood elite for major roles in blockbuster films
  • he met actress Michelle Williams
  • sell his residence in Bronte, New South Wales, and move to the United States
  • ended his relationship with Michelle Williams .

Achievements of Heath Ledger's life :
  • posthumous Best Actor Academy Award
  • he won Western Australia's Junior Chess Championship
  • Best Actor of 2005" awards from the New York Film Critics Circle
  • Best Actor of 2005" awards from the San Francisco Film Critics Circle
  •  He received a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor in a Drama
  • an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor
  • he was posthumously awarded a Golden Globe and an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role as The Joker in The Dark Knight

Thursday 26 May 2016

Turning points and Achievements of Nelson Mandela's life

Turning points of Nelson Mandela's life :

  • he became increasingly aware of the unjust nature of South African Society
  • involved in politics
  • resign from the ANC and work underground
  • Mandela and several others were charged with treason
  • had been arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in the notorious Robben Island prison
  • Despite the initial euphoria of winning the election the ANC faced a difficult challenge to improve the lives of the black population
  • lost his eldest son

Achievements of Nelson Mandela's life :

  • finish his degree and qualified as a Lawyer
  • opened the first Black Law firm in South Africa
  • he was instrumental in pushing the ANC into more direct action such as the 1952 Defiance Campaign and later acts of sabotage
  • inaugurated as the first democratically elected State President of South Africa
  • the trust of the White African population
  • many prestigious awards
  • he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prizejointly with F.W. De Klerk

Thursday 19 May 2016

Brian Syron's Timeline

* 1956 - born in Balmain, Sydney
* 1956 - became a male model, started to learn acting at the Ensemble Theatre Company in Sydney
* 1960 - studied under the late Hayes Gordon
1961 - left Australia to further pursue male modelling work in Europe
* 1961 - moved to New York
* 1961 - the honor of being the first Australian accepted into the legendary Stella Adler Studio
* 1966 - co-found a theater  company in Saratoga Springs as a director
 * 1966 - the privilege of being invited to conduct occasional classes at Stella Adler's Studio
1968 - toured the Southern states of America playing in Atlanta, Georgia; Roenoke, Virginia;                Nashville, Tennessee and Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina
* 1970 - joined the Old Tote Theater in Kensington, Sydney
1969 - taught a group of urban Aboriginal actors to study Stanislavsky or acting from an                       Indigenous perspective
* 1972 - followed the Foundation of Aboriginal Affairs in Sydney with workshops and acting classes held at the Black Theater Arts & Cultural Center
* 1973 - organised with his mentor Stella Adler to travel to Australia and conduct a series of Master Classes
* 1973 - was invited to teach drama to The Resurgent Society inmates of Parramatta Gaol and the offer was accepted 
* 1974 - was be seen in Bruce McGuinness'  film Time to Dream angrily and    eloquently denunciating a Northern Territory arts administrator
* 1993 - died in NSW, Australia

Thursday 3 March 2016

Global Warming Statistics

This graph pie chart is percent of Americans and climate scientists about Global Warming Statistics.

Annual Greenhouse Emission by Sector

This bar line show us a percentage about Annual Greenhouse Emission by Sector,which is divided to different parts. Residential, commercial and other sources 10.3% . Land use and biomass burning 10.0%. Waste disposal and treatment 4.3%. Power station 21.3%. Industrial processes 16.8%.
Transportation fuels 14.0%. Agricultural byproducts 12.5%. Fossil fuel retrieval, processing and distribution 11.3%.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Myer sets up an eBay shopfront


* Myer is partnering with online marketplace eBay to attract new customers online and in store.
* Six month into five-year turnaround plan aimed at boosting annual sales by more than 3 per cent.
* The eBay store,which goes live on Wednesday after a five-week trail, will enable Myuer to reach a wider audience.
* eBay shoppers can click directly into the Myer store or get in while searching.
* There's a certain type of customer who is familiar with eBay.


Myer is hoping to boost sales online and in store by setting up shop on online marketplace eBay in a move that many eventually see the department store target consumers overseas.Six month into five-year turnaround at boosting annual sale by more than 3 per cent, Myer has joined national retailers such as Office works, Target and Bing Lee by establishing a Myer shopfront on eBay and offering a 10,000 product range.After five-week trail, will enable Myer to reach a wider audience and tap new customers who may not be shopping on its e-commerce site. eBay shoppers can click directly into the Myer store or get in while searching for specific products such as dresses, handbag or small appliances.There's a certain type of customer who is familiar with eBay and it's most effective for Myer to take there offer where the customer is,rather than convert a customer to a site they'r not familiar with.

Personal reflection: 

I believe Myer is doing right thing to boost sales online,exactly on eBay,because most of the customers trying to buy their stuff on online especially eBay. However, customers like use easy way to shopping such as eBay so easy to use.

Article link: Myer sets up an eBay shopfront