Thursday 26 May 2016

Turning points and Achievements of Nelson Mandela's life

Turning points of Nelson Mandela's life :

  • he became increasingly aware of the unjust nature of South African Society
  • involved in politics
  • resign from the ANC and work underground
  • Mandela and several others were charged with treason
  • had been arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in the notorious Robben Island prison
  • Despite the initial euphoria of winning the election the ANC faced a difficult challenge to improve the lives of the black population
  • lost his eldest son

Achievements of Nelson Mandela's life :

  • finish his degree and qualified as a Lawyer
  • opened the first Black Law firm in South Africa
  • he was instrumental in pushing the ANC into more direct action such as the 1952 Defiance Campaign and later acts of sabotage
  • inaugurated as the first democratically elected State President of South Africa
  • the trust of the White African population
  • many prestigious awards
  • he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prizejointly with F.W. De Klerk

Thursday 19 May 2016

Brian Syron's Timeline

* 1956 - born in Balmain, Sydney
* 1956 - became a male model, started to learn acting at the Ensemble Theatre Company in Sydney
* 1960 - studied under the late Hayes Gordon
1961 - left Australia to further pursue male modelling work in Europe
* 1961 - moved to New York
* 1961 - the honor of being the first Australian accepted into the legendary Stella Adler Studio
* 1966 - co-found a theater  company in Saratoga Springs as a director
 * 1966 - the privilege of being invited to conduct occasional classes at Stella Adler's Studio
1968 - toured the Southern states of America playing in Atlanta, Georgia; Roenoke, Virginia;                Nashville, Tennessee and Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina
* 1970 - joined the Old Tote Theater in Kensington, Sydney
1969 - taught a group of urban Aboriginal actors to study Stanislavsky or acting from an                       Indigenous perspective
* 1972 - followed the Foundation of Aboriginal Affairs in Sydney with workshops and acting classes held at the Black Theater Arts & Cultural Center
* 1973 - organised with his mentor Stella Adler to travel to Australia and conduct a series of Master Classes
* 1973 - was invited to teach drama to The Resurgent Society inmates of Parramatta Gaol and the offer was accepted 
* 1974 - was be seen in Bruce McGuinness'  film Time to Dream angrily and    eloquently denunciating a Northern Territory arts administrator
* 1993 - died in NSW, Australia